Should you write? Here's why

Should you write? Here's why

Words are one of the purest forms of expressing one's thoughts; sharing and disseminating your ideas with clarity in every field is important. A software developer of any language should be able to write code that is in a readable and concise format.

Writing code well is fundamental to your success as a software developer, which is not to downplay good writing skills. New developers lack adequate experience in explaining their ideas and what they seek to implement with the code they write. It is evident where they fail to clearly note down documentation explaining what the lines of code do.

You can argue that why should you bother to document your code when you are a sole developer, or for a personal project. Truth is that after a while says a month or after a year, the mental model you had gets blurred. It will save you more time spent trying to figure out what the piece of code exactly tried to achieve.


Writing is a learning tool that enables the individual to think critically about the topic they are tackling. It is a proven science because it encourages the learner to grasp, organize, integrate prior knowledge with new concepts University of Waterloo


The best part of writing is that you can detect your improvement. This skill creates an online repository of knowledge. Like every other skill, it will take hours of practice and determination. A learner should not be discouraged by this factor.

An example is writing inline documentation in your code. You will realize that with the time you write better and clearly explained comments.


As a developer, you will need to work with individuals from a less technical background. Employing writing that persuades will help you give the clarity of thought and intuition for structuring explanations that will help both you're trying to make a point through writing or doing it verbally. A current trend is in remote work. Teams from all over the world collaborate through technologies like video conferencing and remote code repositories such as GitHub. When a team is meeting remotely, being able to express yourself clearly using these platforms is required.


Practising your writing skills means better communication with fellow developers, the community or your future self.

Pick up that pen today.

All the Best!
